Jack Carr | jcarr1337@gmail.com | 530-386-2161

Friday, January 22, 2010


SO this is the first level I ever designed and built in Unreal Ed. It is a fast paced and open 1 on 1 level. It is strongly influenced by DM-1on1-Roughinery from Ut2k4 ( Unreal Tournament 2004). This level was played widely by the competitive UT3 community for a while before the community went under. Once I finish with DM-Abandoned I plan to come back to this level and rebuilt it completely with my improved level design skills. I am posting this version of the level here because I want to show how far I have come since my first level design attempt. Hope you enjoy and as always any and all feed back is welcome and appreciated. Thanks for your time.


100 armor

50 armor

Rocket launcher

Download Link:

Monday, January 18, 2010

DM-Abandoned Round 2

So over the break I was able to test my previous layout for DM-Abandonded more thoroughly than before and found a good number of problems with the layout and I decided to redo the layout almost entirely. After a few iterations on the design I have come to a layout that plays infinitely better than the previous and is much more dynamic and playable in every aspect.

I have removed the top level completely, added a basement area for the 100 shield, and a courtyard like area for the double damage. Below are some screen shots of various areas of interest for the level as well as a Link to download the level. I still have a few more hours of testing I want to do on this layout before I move into static meshing and hopefully after this post the testing will be completed. Hope you enjoy the new layout!



Main Room:


Double Damage Room:


Side Room:


Rocket Room:
